Post by jprice1975 on Jan 25, 2018 1:03:46 GMT -5
"That looks pretty satanic to me LOL. And that IS a normal pentagram in the new logo. Satanists use the inverted pentagram to attract evil energy and spirits, witches and the like use it to cast off evil."
Dude, do me a favor... If you don't know what you're talking about, don't say anything. Ok?
Witches can use upright or inverted pentacle depending on the situation, but the symbol is more closely tied to Qabala (kabbala, or cabala) and the tree of life. Greek philosophers and mathematicians were obsessed with it's connection to the "Golden Mean". Masons make heavy use of the pentacle too. As someone else already mentioned... it was even used by early Christians.
The top point of an upright pentacle represents spirit. The other four points, are the physical elements that make up all of creation (air, fire, water, earth). When a pentacle is upright, it suggests that all phydical matter, comes from spirit. When a pentacle is inverted, it suggests that physical matter is (above) more important than spirit. Most modern Satanist don't actually believe in the "Devil" or any type of afterlife. They're basically modern hedonists. They think you should eat, drink, and be merry in this life, because there is nothing in the hereafter. Therefore they place more emphasis on matter, then spirit.
Sometimes, the inverted pentacle is shown with the Baphometic goat or goat of Mendes. This symbol isn't really Satanic either. Baphomet is the resolution of opposites like: male/female, light/dark, yin/yang.